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Anno 1404 Gold Edition (GOG) SKIDROW: How to Download and Install the Game on Your PC


Anno 1404: Gold Edition (aka 纪元 1404 黄金版, Anno 1404. Золотое издание, Anno 1404: Königsedition) is a video game published in 2010 on Windows by Ubisoft Entertainment SA, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH. The game is set in a compilation / shovelware theme.

Anno 1404 Gold Edition (GOG) SKIDROW

GOG ( Anno 1404: Gold Edition2. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Expansion Pass3. Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete4. The Settlers: Rise of an Empire5. Project Highrise

Although quests are not new to Anno 1404, both it and its expansion Venice feature far more quests than previous games in the series. Quests are given at different intervals to the player by neutral powers, mentors like Northburgh and Al Zahir, and from various people living in the player's settlements. Computer opponents, if they become allies through diplomacy, will also offer quests to the player. Quests offer rewards such as honour points, ships, gold, goods or upgrades for settlements or ships (such as items to boost goods production in a settlement or increase the firepower of a ship). There are several quest types, including fetch quests, reverse fetch quests, sinking enemy ships, or finding specific individuals in a settlement (a mini game similar to Where's Waldo). Some of these quests can be quite complicated, with multiple smaller quests in the chain. The Anno 1404: Venice expansion adds 300 new quests and two new types of quests: trading race and ship boarding.

IOhn the firste a Thuscane, whome Theodoricus kyng of 53 Italy sent, (for then they were subiect to Princes) as his oratour, with certaine other, vnto Iustinus the Emperoure. This bishop being the worthiest man of all this latter company, gaue a testimonie of his pure life, by suftring paciently vndeserued death. He decreed, and that very godly, [Page] that if any man were robbed of any thing, he should haue all restored againe. But I take it to be false that he should restore three churcheyardes, enriched the churches with giftes or decked the altars with golde, syluer, or precious stones, as Platina and other wryte, least he should seeme nothing to haue encreased the kingdome of Antichriste. There is to be seene comfortable Epistles of his to the byshops of Italy, whereby he warneth them, that they should not shrinke from their purpose, but stande to it stoutly, although that the said king Theodoricus, fowly tainted with the Arrian heresy, had threatened to destroye them and all Italy. For the whiche at the tyrannous commaundement of Theodoricus, Anno 527. hee perished at Rauenna through famine, stinke, & noysomnes in the pryson. As touching Arrius, thus Mantuan writeth of him.

85 AT this time was great hurlie burly about the election of the Pope: Some chose Theodorus a prieste, some Paschal an Archedeacon. And whyle euery one did ambitiouslye [Page 46] maintaine his owne faction, either partie with the men of his owne side kept possessiō in some part of Late [...]an pallaice: But when the chiefe of the clergye, the Romaines, & the army sawe, that this sedition would wexe bloudye, they agreed to appease this tumult, & reiecting both ye other they chose Sergius an Assyrian borne, & brought him to Lateran Church, and brasting vp the doores they driue oute the seditious electors, and compelled Theodor & Paschal to salute Sergius as Pope. He bestowed great cost in trimming the temples with guilding, images, golden cā delsticks, and curious masons worke, riche clothes, & such stuffe: He (they say) founde a peece of Christ his Crosse in a brasen cofer: He repayred the images of the Apostles being worne out with continuance: He set a new patche vpō the masse, commaunding that Agnus Dei should be songe thrise whē the priest is breaking the bread. And on the day of the annuntiation of the virgin to sing procession: He reclaymed the Church of Aquilia which began to decline from Papistrye. He also by his monks allured the Saxons & Frisians to the same superstition: While Aldhelmus an Englishman waited at Rome to be admitted to a bishopricke, he hard the Pope accused of adulterye, the childe being new borne which was fathered vppon him, Aldhelmꝰ therefore did secretlye admonishe the Pope of this wickednes. Sergius dyed Anno. 701.

ZAcharias emplied his witte and wealth in pompeous and gorgeous buylding: Amōg other vaine sumptuousnes,92 he was the first that gaue golden coapes decked with pearles and stones, to the churche for holy vses. He gaue a stipende to the churche towarde the charge of the lampe oyle. He deuised the manner and fashion of priestes apparell: He deuided the East churche from the West churche. He translated out of Latin into Greke, Gregories foure bookes of Dialogues, to the entent to plante the opinion of Purgatorie among the Grecians, which they neuer receiued yet. He made it vnlawefull to mary the vnkles wife, the vnkle being dead, although Gregorie the third allowed it. He cōmaunded gosseps (as we call them) in no wyse to marye together. He commaunded the Venetians (a Godly dede) that vpon payne of curse they should not for lucre sel their children of Christians to the Saracenes. Taking vpon him the power of God after a sort, he presumed very churlishly and cruelly, to depose kings from their estate, and to make kynges. He was the firste that attempted to release subiectes of their alleageance. For Pipinus sonne of the bastarde Charles Martell, & traytour to his Prince, by his messengers obtained of Pope Zacharye, that he woulde depose king Childericus from the crowne of Fraunce, and geue it to him and his heyres. The Pope remembring the late dede of Pipinus his father, in ye Popes behalfe against the Lombardes, & thinking by this meanes that he should be the better able to encoūter the Emperoure of the East, graūted this trayterous request. And sent straight charge and highe commission to the estates of Fraunce, that they shoulde depose their present king Childericus, shaue his head, put him into an Abbey, and so make him a Monke: And after this they should acknowledge Pipin beinge cō firmed [Page] and annoynted by the Archebishop Boniface, to be their soueraigne and kyng. Furthermore he chaunged Lachis king of Lombardy, Charolomannus, and other from their royall estate, and made them Monkes. After tenne yeares raigne, he died, Anno 752. One Steuen a Deacō, was chosen to succede him, who being wakened out of slepe to go about his affaires, being taken with the falling sickenesse, died presently, and therefore is not accompted Pope.

CLement the sixt borne in Lemonia by professiō a Benedictine, called before Peter Rogers being abbot of Phisca, 204 succeded Benedict at Auenio. This mā with his faction troubled the Romaine Empire aboue measure: for he excommunicated (sayth Naucler) all the Princes, lordes and bishops, that consented to the doings of Lewis. To deface the Emperour he created Uicountes and made them Uicares of the Empyre: & Lewis on ye other side appointed other Uicares to gouerne the Church. Ierom Marius in his booke called Eusebius Captiuus, doth thus set out the rigour of Pope Clement: Clement ye sixt (sayth he) much giuen to women, honour and auctoritye, prouoked with [Page] diuelishe furye, set vp bills in wrytinge vpon Church doares wherein he threatned the Emperour to be punished wt more cruell tormentes, vnlesse he woulde obey the Popes minde and that within three dayes, and would giue vp his right of the estate imperiall. Great was the cruelty of this Clement voyde of clemency. The Emperour commeth to Frankeforde, and preparing with all diligence to do all that was commaunded, besought the Pope by his Embassadours, to pardon him and to receiue him to fauour. But the Pope aunswered the Embassadours, that he would neuer pardon Lewis, vnlesse he would first confesse all his errours and heresyes and yelde vp the Empire, and put into the Popes hand both himselfe, his children, goodes & possessions, to dispose them at his pleasure, & would promise that he would neuer more enioy any part thereof without the fauour of the Pope, & deliuered a certaine fourme of of these articles in wryting to the Embassadours, cōmaū ding them to carye the same to Lewis. The good Emperour least if he did not thus submit himselfe it mighte bee cause of slaughter and sedition, receiued the order taken by the Pope, and looking vpon it was content in such wyfe to saue Christian bloud, and therefore he did not onely set his seale to it, but gaue his oath to performe all. Which when the Pope heard he waxed angrye. But note whether hee toke the Emperour to fauoure, and whether he shewed anye token of good will, by that which followeth. Lewis shewed that order to the Princes electours, and oratours. The Princes detested and abhorred certaine of ye articles, because they were deuised by the Pope to the confusion of the Empyre: and therfore they promised sufficient ayde to the Emperour if as he did before, he would maintaine the libertye and honour of the Empyre. They sence Embassadours desiringe the Pope not to exact those articles yt tended to the vtter subuersion of the Empyre: and ye oratours crauinge and doing nothing els came awaye againe. But [Page 137] Clement blaming Lewis onelye for all, did purpose the destruction of him and his children: he cursed him cruelly euen at consecrating the Sacrament. He renued all the extreame processes which Pope Iohn had giuen out against him, he pronounced him to be an heretick and scismatick. He charged the Princes electours to choose another Emperour. He deposed the Archbishop of Mens both of his bishoprick and auctoritye of electorship, because he knowing the Emperours innocencye and vngiltiues, woulde not abuse his maiestye. But the other electours being brybed with money by Iohn king of Bohemia, as the bishop of Colen who toke viii. Thousande markes, & the duke of Saxonye two Thousande markes) did appoint his sonne Charles to be king of the Romaynes: whō this vncurteous Clement did allowe afterward in open consistorye. But who is able to report the horrible bloudshed and warre that arose in the Empire by meanes of this mischiefe wroughte by Clement: for kinge Edward the thirde of England slue xx. Thousande Frenchmen, and Iohn king of Bohemia father to Charles was slaine with many nobles. But Lewis yet takinge thought because of the Popes processes, & not medling with the gouernment of the Empyre, was by the Popes procurement poysoned in a cuppe whereof he dyed. Thus wryteth Marius: Lo by these kinde of treacheryes haue the prelates of Rome brought the Empyre to ye low ebbe and poore estate, that it is at this daye: for the sayde Charles whom they against all lawe created, to make his sonne to succede him, did so corrupt the electours wyth bribes and fayre promises, that he morgaged to them the cōmon reuenues of the Empyre, which they enioye to this daye, and therefore the Romaine Empyre cannot aduaūce it selfe againe. For then the Electours cōpelled Charles to take an oath, yt these pledges should neuer be reclaymed: whereby at length it came to passe that the Empyre being thus decayed, the Turke inuaded the Church of Christ, & [Page] destroyed it wonderfullye, and it is by the especial grace of God, that Mahomets blasphemye doth not wyth fyre and sworde rage ouer all Christendome &c. 2ff7e9595c

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