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Crack Bnc Express 7: A Step-by-Step Tutorial with Screenshots


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Crack Bnc Express 7

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The weather that comes with changing seasons can negatively impact your mortar joints, causing them to crack or fall apart. A common sign of this is space showing between bricks. You may also notice some cracking. When your mortar joints become damaged, it allows moisture into your chimney leading to the problems mentioned above.

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Je suis en train d'\u00e9couter du reggae en ce moment en fumant cette belle petite plante.", "datePublished": "2019-09-22", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Thomas", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Re\u00e7u rapidement et proprement, les 5 graines ont parfaitement germer. Aujourd'hui d\u00e9m\u00e9nagement dans leurs maison. A dans deux mois ! ", "datePublished": "2020-07-27", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Haddock44", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Franchement que dire de plus, super rendement, gout fruit\u00e9e, popo a bloc. Tous le monde aimes ", "datePublished": "2020-09-18", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Adrien3182", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Sur 10\/10 on germes tr\u00e8s belle plante robuste productive. J'ai une naine qui et partie en 4 t\u00eate m\u00e8re ,4 qui vire au viol\u00e9 et 5 identique au photo de grosse Bud une branche m\u00e8re et 4 branche qui remonte. Tr\u00e8s Bonne odeur asser forte par moment.", "datePublished": "2020-09-21", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Lauris ", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Bien arriv\u00e9 bien germer ", "datePublished": "2020-12-11", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "M.W", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "eine sch\u00f6ne Pflanze ;)", "datePublished": "2020-06-03", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "8", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "W.", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Sch\u00f6ne Pflanze ", "datePublished": "2020-06-03", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "8", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "maradona", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "\u00a1Las mejores semillas hasta ahora! Disfruto la sensaci\u00f3n y las plantas eran espectaculares", "datePublished": "2019-09-22", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "10", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "ZanderBlander", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Wow, echt zonder twijfel de sterkste autoflower die ik ooit heb gehad! Eerst heb ik 'm buiten gekweekt in de zomer van 2017 en daarna binnen in mijn hokje ook. Elke keer weer dikke toppen en opbrengst. Zeker de moeite waard, ik verkoop het meeste aan de shop en die zijn ook elke keer weer blij. wou dat ik meer hokjes had! ", "datePublished": "2018-07-23", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "10", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Fron", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Great strain for my greenhouse, plants need little care and give good yields. Love it! It's a very commercial strain!", "datePublished": "2017-08-15", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "fandango", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "I got this for the price (cheapest Seed Stocker seeds) and was pleased with the result. She can be taken as early as 9 weeks indoors if they get a good start. Otherwise think about harvesting after 10-11 weeks. Strong Critical smoke, but I don't know how she performs outdoors", "datePublished": "2017-08-16", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "rev", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Its a strong smoke, and thats all you need to know. She delivered well under my 400W HPS, i grew her in soil and coco and got the slightly bigger result with coco. Very easy to grow, and quick - 73 day. But the quality of the critical smoke is the reason to grow her", "datePublished": "2017-11-16", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "F.N.", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "This is outstanding POTENT Marijuana. The Smell is out of this world. I never expected it to be as good as it was that is a fact. And large the plant gets huge. ", "datePublished": "2017-11-25", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "F.N", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "I have grown some monster plants and super sticky at that. I have one going on Autoflower network that should be close to a POUND when done. I just wish I could insert a picture or two. It is a winner for commercial growing. It is a superior HIGH.", "datePublished": "2018-07-15", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "F.N.", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "This is one beautiful plant to grow out. I had a Five foot monster of a plant that is Sticky Stinky good BUD. It is done in about 85 days for the size and potency that is quick.", "datePublished": "2018-08-14", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "F.N.", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "This is sticky stinky potent Cannibus. I just need one good bowload that is it. You have to try this.", "datePublished": "2018-08-27", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Jim", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Plants are in week two veg nearly and there coming on absolute monster only grown under 300w dual spec cfl and 125w cfl but again very strong Aroma and seeds cracked and popped within a day or so all 5", "datePublished": "2018-09-06", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Otto", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Such a great plant. It will give you perfect plants in every condition. Fat buds, nice smell, big harvest and lovely smoke.", "datePublished": "2018-12-21", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Bud", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "\u00d6sszes mag sz\u00e9pen kipatant.Sz\u00e9pen n\u0151nek.\n\u00c1r \u00e9rt\u00e9k ar\u00e1nyban kiv\u00e1l\u00f3.K\u00f6sz\u00f6n\u00f6m.Ujra rendelek.", "datePublished": "2019-02-19", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "D.M", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Easy to grow, a great strong smoke and a great price, and they are not joking about the xxl, grew 1 along with a couple of other different strains on my first grow and she yielded almost 3 times more than the others, just over 4oz, that was with a 250w hps dual spectrum, so absolutely no complaints, thankyou Seedstockers ", "datePublished": "2019-03-18", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "D.M", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Easy to grow, great smoke, great price and great xxl yields, I grew 1 along with a couple of different strains on my first grow and the bcn critical xxl outgrew the rest, give it a go, you won't be disappointed ", "datePublished": "2019-03-27", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Mr nice", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Outstanding! You will never see a auto grow like this one. Hats of to seed stockers!", "datePublished": "2019-04-13", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Jean-Paul", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Hi all! Thank's the team. Really. All plants from your automix are happily messing around in my green house! 2 months from germinating, more or less, and NL auto is 2 meters high, full of flowers, BCN critical auto and amnesia auto are just 20 centimeters less, OSR auto almost as tall. Full power, vigourous growth and blooming is already full of promises... A real jungle where it is hard to see other plants like tomatoes and chilis... Once again, THANKS!", "datePublished": "2019-07-01", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "BGrower67", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "And i cannot lie! Wow these buds are amazingly big XXL", "datePublished": "2019-07-11", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Juazzzer", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Wow! this grow was the first time ever the plant reacted well to all circumstances. I also got more experience but at least in my set up this is a very easy to grow critical seed. It are also cheap cannabis seeds so I will definitly grow this one more times. High yield, strong smoke, perfect for big indoor grows!", "datePublished": "2019-07-12", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Happy Camper88", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "These are just top notch!", "datePublished": "2019-08-01", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "MichaelBEAR", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "ONE OF THE BEST WEED OUT THERE. THE AROMA IS AMAZING", "datePublished": "2019-09-22", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "DAZZY", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Had 3 pips. 2 germinated 1 didn't. \nSo the 2 that have germinated are now at day 43 and the phenotypes are completely different. Number 2 started flowering after only 21 days and is now well on it's way and standing at 60cm whereas number 1 is only now showing signs of flowering. She stands at 53cm and is much stockier and bushy.\nAs it happens I am quite happy with this result as I will be able to finish bot a different times. Overall I would say that for my first go at autos I tried a good strain. \nIt is a little finicky for the first 14 days but when she has settled in to her rhythm she goes wild and you can almost whatch her grow.\nDefinitely one for the novice to have a go at growing. From what I have read up compared to some other auto plants this strain is pretty forgiving and responds well to some minor mess ups.looking at number 2 and the bud sites that she has already produced I think she will do exactly what it says on the tin and get to that XXL crop that is promised.\nGo on give her a go and I pretty much guarantee a bumper harvest. ", "datePublished": "2019-10-11", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "That7dsgye", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Plant needs about 11-12 weeks to finish. Check Trichomes before harvesting to ensure they're milky\/amber. You can gain about 4oz per plant with the right lighting. I used 900 watt LED and harvested 4oz per plant. She loves to drink so watch out for a proper watering and feeding scheduling. I grew my ladies in 3 Gallon smart pots. The buds are pretty easy to manicure so you can get them hung and dried. It took around a week to dry and now I'm currently in curing stage and after about three day in the mason jars you start to smell the lemon scent terps. The smoke is so lovely... It's like a lemon lift and then you're relaxed and chill. ", "datePublished": "2020-05-10", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "That7dsgye", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Plant needs about 11-12 weeks to finish. Check Trichomes before harvesting to ensure theyre milky\/amber. You can gain about 4oz per plant with the right lighting. I used 900 watt LED and harvested 4oz per plant. She loves to drink so watch out for a proper watering and feeding scheduling. I grew my ladies in 3 Gallon smart pots. The buds are pretty easy to manicure so you can get them hung and dried. It took around a week to dry and now Im currently in curing stage and after about three day in the mason jars you start to smell the lemon scent terps. The smoke is so lovely... Its like a lemon lift and then youre relaxed and chill", "datePublished": "2020-05-17", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "monk", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "all 3 germinated but unfortunately my cat destroyed them all. or so i thought. i chucked them into a waste pile of mud and a few weeks later 1 has started growing. i moved it to a seperate pile of mud that i wasnt adding to and its still going, weather or not it floweres is another matter but gotta say she has really pulled through a lot of stress. they other 2 died- stupid cat. would recomend to a begginner if looking for a really easy and hardy plant. ", "datePublished": "2020-06-03", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "RustyStarbuck", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "This is my first grow and I am so glad I chose the Bcn critical xxl.. I have 3 in week 6, 1 well into preflower and the other 2 are just turning now with pistils showing. I have another one in the seedling stage.. They take whatever novice mistakes I make, they love a feed and bounce back from everything so far and just keep going.. They respond well to lst and 20 hours light.. Can't wait for them to finish. ", "datePublished": "2020-09-17", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Diablo79 ", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "I've had a few from seedstockers now and I love the xxl critical and am now getting good results from blackberry gum autos so definitely a good firm, well done guys ", "datePublished": "2020-11-18", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Fron", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Great strain for my greenhouse, plants need little care and give good yields. Love it! It's a very commercial strain!", "datePublished": "2017-08-15", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "fandango", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "I got this for the price (cheapest Seed Stocker seeds) and was pleased with the result. She can be taken as early as 9 weeks indoors if they get a good start. Otherwise think about harvesting after 10-11 weeks. Strong Critical smoke, but I don't know how she performs outdoors", "datePublished": "2017-08-16", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "rev", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Its a strong smoke, and thats all you need to know. She delivered well under my 400W HPS, i grew her in soil and coco and got the slightly bigger result with coco. Very easy to grow, and quick - 73 day. But the quality of the critical smoke is the reason to grow her", "datePublished": "2017-11-16", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "F.N.", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "This is outstanding POTENT Marijuana. The Smell is out of this world. I never expected it to be as good as it was that is a fact. And large the plant gets huge. ", "datePublished": "2017-11-25", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "F.N", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "I have grown some monster plants and super sticky at that. I have one going on Autoflower network that should be close to a POUND when done. I just wish I could insert a picture or two. It is a winner for commercial growing. It is a superior HIGH.", "datePublished": "2018-07-15", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "ZanderBlander", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Wow, echt zonder twijfel de sterkste autoflower die ik ooit heb gehad! Eerst heb ik 'm buiten gekweekt in de zomer van 2017 en daarna binnen in mijn hokje ook. Elke keer weer dikke toppen en opbrengst. Zeker de moeite waard, ik verkoop het meeste aan de shop en die zijn ook elke keer weer blij. wou dat ik meer hokjes had! ", "datePublished": "2018-07-23", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "F.N.", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "This is one beautiful plant to grow out. I had a Five foot monster of a plant that is Sticky Stinky good BUD. It is done in about 85 days for the size and potency that is quick.", "datePublished": "2018-08-14", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "F.N.", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "This is sticky stinky potent Cannibus. I just need one good bowload that is it. You have to try this.", "datePublished": "2018-08-27", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Jim", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Plants are in week two veg nearly and there coming on absolute monster only grown under 300w dual spec cfl and 125w cfl but again very strong Aroma and seeds cracked and popped within a day or so all 5", "datePublished": "2018-09-06", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Otto", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Such a great plant. It will give you perfect plants in every condition. Fat buds, nice smell, big harvest and lovely smoke.", "datePublished": "2018-12-21", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Bud", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "\u00d6sszes mag sz\u00e9pen kipatant.Sz\u00e9pen n\u0151nek.\n\u00c1r \u00e9rt\u00e9k ar\u00e1nyban kiv\u00e1l\u00f3.K\u00f6sz\u00f6n\u00f6m.Ujra rendelek.", "datePublished": "2019-02-19", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "D.M", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Easy to grow, a great strong smoke and a great price, and they are not joking about the xxl, grew 1 along with a couple of other different strains on my first grow and she yielded almost 3 times more than the others, just over 4oz, that was with a 250w hps dual spectrum, so absolutely no complaints, thankyou Seedstockers ", "datePublished": "2019-03-18", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "D.M", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Easy to grow, great smoke, great price and great xxl yields, I grew 1 along with a couple of different strains on my first grow and the bcn critical xxl outgrew the rest, give it a go, you won't be disappointed ", "datePublished": "2019-03-27", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Mr nice", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Outstanding! You will never see a auto grow like this one. Hats of to seed stockers!", "datePublished": "2019-04-13", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Canabis", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Livraison rapide discr\u00e8te et petit cadeau en plus 5 \/ 5 en Germain j'attends le reste et je vous tiens au courant", "datePublished": "2019-04-17", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Jean-Paul", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Hi all! Thank's the team. Really. All plants from your automix are happily messing around in my green house! 2 months from germinating, more or less, and NL auto is 2 meters high, full of flowers, BCN critical auto and amnesia auto are just 20 centimeters less, OSR auto almost as tall. Full power, vigourous growth and blooming is already full of promises... A real jungle where it is hard to see other plants like tomatoes and chilis... Once again, THANKS!", "datePublished": "2019-07-01", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "BGrower67", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "And i cannot lie! Wow these buds are amazingly big XXL", "datePublished": "2019-07-11", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Juazzzer", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Wow! this grow was the first time ever the plant reacted well to all circumstances. I also got more experience but at least in my set up this is a very easy to grow critical seed. It are also cheap cannabis seeds so I will definitly grow this one more times. High yield, strong smoke, perfect for big indoor grows!", "datePublished": "2019-07-12", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Happy Camper88", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "These are just top notch!", "datePublished": "2019-08-01", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Lazordeladidou", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Je viens de cultiver. Je suis en train d'\u00e9couter du reggae en ce moment en fumant cette belle petite plante.", "datePublished": "2019-09-22", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "MichaelBEAR", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "ONE OF THE BEST WEED OUT THERE. THE AROMA IS AMAZING", "datePublished": "2019-09-22", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "arseniii", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "\u0432\u043a\u0443\u0441\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0432\u043a\u0443\u0441\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0432\u043a\u0443\u0441\u043d\u044b\u0439, \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u043d\u0430\u0447\u0438\u043d\u0430\u0435\u0448\u044c \u0434\u0443\u043c\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043f\u043e-\u043d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u043c\u0443=) \u0443 \u043c\u0435\u043d\u044f \u0431\u044b\u043b\u0438 \u043a\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0442\u044b\u0448\u0438 \u043f\u043e 0,7-0,9 \u043c, \u043f\u0430\u0445\u043b\u0438 \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0446\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0435 \u0446\u0432\u0435\u0442\u043e\u0447\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0435", "datePublished": "2019-09-22", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "maradona", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "\u00a1Las mejores semillas hasta ahora! Disfruto la sensaci\u00f3n y las plantas eran espectaculares", "datePublished": "2019-09-22", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "DAZZY", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Had 3 pips. 2 germinated 1 didn't. \nSo the 2 that have germinated are now at day 43 and the phenotypes are completely different. Number 2 started flowering after only 21 days and is now well on it's way and standing at 60cm whereas number 1 is only now showing signs of flowering. She stands at 53cm and is much stockier and bushy.\nAs it happens I am quite happy with this result as I will be able to finish bot a different times. Overall I would say that for my first go at autos I tried a good strain. \nIt is a little finicky for the first 14 days but when she has settled in to her rhythm she goes wild and you can almost whatch her grow.\nDefinitely one for the novice to have a go at growing. From what I have read up compared to some other auto plants this strain is pretty forgiving and responds well to some minor mess ups.looking at number 2 and the bud sites that she has already produced I think she will do exactly what it says on the tin and get to that XXL crop that is promised.\nGo on give her a go and I pretty much guarantee a bumper harvest. ", "datePublished": "2019-10-11", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "That7dsgye", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Plant needs about 11-12 weeks to finish. Check Trichomes before harvesting to ensure they're milky\/amber. You can gain about 4oz per plant with the right lighting. I used 900 watt LED and harvested 4oz per plant. She loves to drink so watch out for a proper watering and feeding scheduling. I grew my ladies in 3 Gallon smart pots. The buds are pretty easy to manicure so you can get them hung and dried. It took around a week to dry and now I'm currently in curing stage and after about three day in the mason jars you start to smell the lemon scent terps. The smoke is so lovely... It's like a lemon lift and then you're relaxed and chill. ", "datePublished": "2020-05-10", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "That7dsgye", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Plant needs about 11-12 weeks to finish. Check Trichomes before harvesting to ensure theyre milky\/amber. You can gain about 4oz per plant with the right lighting. I used 900 watt LED and harvested 4oz per plant. She loves to drink so watch out for a proper watering and feeding scheduling. I grew my ladies in 3 Gallon smart pots. The buds are pretty easy to manicure so you can get them hung and dried. It took around a week to dry and now Im currently in curing stage and after about three day in the mason jars you start to smell the lemon scent terps. The smoke is so lovely... Its like a lemon lift and then youre relaxed and chill", "datePublished": "2020-05-17", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "monk", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "all 3 germinated but unfortunately my cat destroyed them all. or so i thought. i chucked them into a waste pile of mud and a few weeks later 1 has started growing. i moved it to a seperate pile of mud that i wasnt adding to and its still going, weather or not it floweres is another matter but gotta say she has really pulled through a lot of stress. they other 2 died- stupid cat. would recomend to a begginner if looking for a really easy and hardy plant. ", "datePublished": "2020-06-03", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "M.W", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "eine sch\u00f6ne Pflanze ;)", "datePublished": "2020-06-03", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "W.", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Sch\u00f6ne Pflanze ", "datePublished": "2020-06-03", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Thomas", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Re\u00e7u rapidement et proprement, les 5 graines ont parfaitement germer. Aujourd'hui d\u00e9m\u00e9nagement dans leurs maison. A dans deux mois ! ", "datePublished": "2020-07-27", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "RustyStarbuck", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "This is my first grow and I am so glad I chose the Bcn critical xxl.. I have 3 in week 6, 1 well into preflower and the other 2 are just turning now with pistils showing. I have another one in the seedling stage.. They take whatever novice mistakes I make, they love a feed and bounce back from everything so far and just keep going.. They respond well to lst and 20 hours light.. Can't wait for them to finish. ", "datePublished": "2020-09-17", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Haddock44", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Franchement que dire de plus, super rendement, gout fruit\u00e9e, popo a bloc. Tous le monde aimes ", "datePublished": "2020-09-18", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Adrien3182", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Sur 10\/10 on germes tr\u00e8s belle plante robuste productive. J'ai une naine qui et partie en 4 t\u00eate m\u00e8re ,4 qui vire au viol\u00e9 et 5 identique au photo de grosse Bud une branche m\u00e8re et 4 branche qui remonte. Tr\u00e8s Bonne odeur asser forte par moment.", "datePublished": "2020-09-21", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Diablo79 ", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "I've had a few from seedstockers now and I love the xxl critical and am now getting good results from blackberry gum autos so definitely a good firm, well done guys ", "datePublished": "2020-11-18", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Lauris ", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Bien arriv\u00e9 bien germer ", "datePublished": "2020-12-11", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "9", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Anpon", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "3 semillas y todas germinaron. Soy principiante y no hab\u00eda visto semilla tan grande. Va en la sexta semana y sin duda es la planta m\u00e1s alta que he cultivado. Seguramente as\u00ed va a ser la cosecha", "datePublished": "2021-05-14", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "10", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Mr kush", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Service impeccable.graine d bonne qualit\u00e9. Je vous tiens au courant ", "datePublished": "2021-06-19", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "10", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" , "author": "name": "Teskio90", "@type": "Person" , "reviewBody": "Qualcosa di fantastico provati la prima volta e sicuramente li riprender\u00f2 ", "datePublished": "2022-03-18", "reviewRating" : "ratingValue": "10", "worstRating": "0", "bestRating": "10", "@type": "Rating" , "@type": "Review" ], "aggregateRating": "worstRating": "0", "ratingValue": "9.1", "bestRating": "10", "ratingCount": "73", "@type" : "AggregateRating" , "@context": " ", "@type": "Product" .datatextcursor:pointer;//Common vars var apc_link = " "; var apc_token = "e1750f86e5cc2a7b61b4b3e636fc1d40"; var apc_data = '&token=' + apc_token + '&responsiveWidth=' + window.innerWidth + '&url=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href) + '&referrer=' + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer);(window.gaDevIds=window.gaDevIds[]).push('d6YPbH');(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m)i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r])(window,document,'script','','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-124162506-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); ga('require', 'ec');// cart_updated = "Changes saved!" 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