Prerequisites for marriageThere are seven prerequisites formarriage: 1. Presence of witnesses: The marriage of Muslims cantake effect only in the presence of two men, or one man and twowomen, each of whom should be free, sane, adult and Muslim. It doesnot matter whether they are trustworthy, untrustworthy, orrecipients of Allah-ordained punishment for slander. If a Muslimman marries a woman from the Scripture People in the presence oftwo witnesses who are from the Scripture People, then the marriageis valid according to Imam Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf Allahs mercybe upon them7. 2. Marrying the woman should be lawful. A prohibitedwoman cannot be the object for ruling of marriage. 3. Thetransactors (the groom and the bride) should be eligible formarriage, that is, they should be sane, adult and free. Themarriage of an insane person or a non-discerning child will not bevalid. If a discerning child is married, his marriage will remainsuspended until allowed by the childs guardian. 4. The witnessesshould hear the words of proposal and acceptance for marriage. 5.If the woman is adult, she should agree to the marriage. It doesnot matter whether she is a virgin or not. The guardian will nothave the authority to compel her in marriage. 6. The proposalacceptance should occur in the same place. Marriage over telephoneand cellphone Marriage over telephone and cellphone or throughcorrespondence is invalid as the places of the would-be spouses aredifferent. If one of the would-be spouses nominates a man as hisagent over telephone, cellphone, or internet, or through letter,and that agent makes the proposal or acceptance of marriage onbehalf of his authorizer, then the marriage will be valid. 7. Boththe groom and the bride should be known unambiguously.
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