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Retrieval examinations and biomechanical simulation revealed that primary micromotions initiated fretting within the modular tapered neck connection. A continuous abrasion and repassivation process with a subsequent cold welding at the titanium alloy modular interface. Surface layers of 10 - 30 μm titanium oxide were observed. Surface cracks caused by fretting or fretting corrosion finally lead to fatigue fracture of the titanium alloy modular neck adapters. Neck adapters made of cobalt chrome alloy show significantly reduced micromotions especially in case of contaminated cone connection. With a cobalt-chromium neck the micromotions can be reduced by a factor of 3 compared to the titanium neck. The incidence of fretting corrosion was also substantially lower with the cobalt-chromium neck configuration.
The stem was combined with neck adapters with 130 CCD angle, embedded in bone cement (Palacos R, Heraeus Medical GmbH Wehrheim, Germany) and tested on a servohydraulic testing machine (MTS 850.2, MTS Systems Corporation Eden Prairie MN, USA). A sinusoidal axial force between 50 and 2500 N was applied via a ceramic head with neck length L at a frequency of 1 Hz for 2000 cycles to measure the relative displacement between neck adapter and stem with regard to irreversible settling and micromotions. A statistical analysis was performed to distinguish between independent groups (clean and particle contaminated joining area) (paired Student's t test) for both neck adapter materials (SPSS 15.0).
Metallographic analyses showed that microcracks developed on the surface of the cone in the clamping range (Figure 9). It appears that these microcracks induced the fatigue crack which finally led to the implant failure. Microcracks were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope. Figure 9 shows a potential micro crack in an area where fretting marks can be seen on the surface of the cone.
The study suggests the following hypothesis as to the cause of the damage. Fretting occurs when two surfaces in contact experience small amplitude oscillary relative motion; damage is induced on the fretting region. If the fretting fatigue strength of the material is exceeded, microcracks develope on the surface. In addition, tribochemically activated particles can discharge their content from the surface. These particles react with oxygen spontaneously, thus leading to fretting corrosion.
The surface damage of the titanium alloy adapters caused by the microcracks or by corrosive deterioration accelerates the propagation of cracks by the cyclic loads bringing about the dynamic fatigue failure of the adapters. Micro-movements cause fretting in the cone connection. They can be increased by contamination of the cone connection through tissue or other particles intraoperatively. To anticipate this process any contamination of the connection should be avoided and the components dried before assembling. For this purpose abrasion-resistant cleaning rods are supplied together with the implants.
The authors would like to thank Elisa Hoenig, M.Sc. and Michael M. Morlock, Ph.D. for the examination of micromotions in the neck adapter/stem interface, Thomas Hermle, M.Sc., MBA for the performance of the survival-failure analysis and Christoph Schilling, M.Sc. for the statistical analysis of the in vitro tests.
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The cutting performance was monitored and evaluated in terms of the effect of the wood species, cutting model, type of saw blade used, and feed force at a vc of 62 m.s-1. The resulting cutting performance values were statistically evaluated by STATISTICA 12 software (Statsoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA).
There was no statistically significant difference between beech and oak wood. Despite the fact that beech wood is diffuse-porous and oak wood is ring-porous, they have approximately the same density and comparable values of the given properties in terms of the effect of physical and mechanical properties on the defense mechanisms of the wood. A comparison of spruce and beech, as well as spruce and oak, showed that the cross-cutting of spruce was the least energy intensive, which was expected because of the previously mentioned parameters. Similar conclusions were published by Cristovao et al. (2012).
An increase in saw blade teeth from 24 to 40 did not result in a statistically significant change in cutting power for any of the wood species (Fig. 8). The situation repeated itself when the number of teeth increased from 40 to 60. In spruce wood, the cutting power for 60 teeth rose above the value measured for 24 teeth.
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Eriosyce subgibbosa and E. villosa belong to the same clade of cacti, but occupy different habitats. Eriosyce villosa occupies a fraction of the Desert-Coastal Mediterranean bioclimate (Fig. 1), and E. subgibbosa mainly occupies the coastal zone of oceanic-pluviseasonal mediterranean bioclimate (Luebert & Pliscoff 2006). These two bioclimates differ, among other factors, on temperature and rainfall conditions (Fig. 1). These differences account for major abiotic habitat conditions where the germination of the two studied species occur in nature, in contrast, soil properties even that may have some differences they tend to be similar since these species are specialized to regenerate in the crack of coastal rocks (Guerrero unpublished data).
Seeds of these two species were obtained from natural populations in central Chile from mature fruits of fifteen individuals per species, between October and December 2009. In the case of E. villosa seeds were collected at the locality of Huasco (28.467S; 71.219W), while E. subgibbosa seeds were collected at Punta de Lobos in Pichilemu (34.426S; 72.043W). Seeds from both species were pooled and maintained during five (E. villosa) and three (E. subgibbosa) months in dry conditions until the start of the experiments. To characterize the germination niche a factorial experiment was conducted using two treatments: species (E. subgibbosa and E. villosa), and two treatments each with several levels of mean daily temperature (6.5C, 13C, 18.5C and 24.5C) and soil water potential (ᴪ: -0.25, -0.5, -1 and -1.5 Mpa). Temperature varied following day/night cycles as photoperiod (12 / 12 h): 6.5C (day: 4C/ night: 9C), 13C (11 / 16C), 18.5C (16 / 21C) and 24.5 C (22 / 27C). The criteria to choose thermoperiods in the experimental design were (i) include a wide range of temperature conditions, (ii) use realistic values of maximum and minimum temperature variation that seeds may experience in their habitats (using Huasco and Pichilemu as references, Fig. 1) within a year, and (iii) maintain the same amplitude of variation between the highest and the lowest temperature. The effect of soil water potential was evaluated using a range of concentrations of mannitol diluted in deionized water (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 y 0.6 mol / L), to generate osmotic potentials in the substrate of 0, -0.25, -0.5, -1 and -1.5 Mpa. Higher concentrations of mannitol generate more negative osmotic pressures and therefore water is less available for seeds (Cárdenas & Villegas 2002). We did not include -1.5 Mpa water potential into statistical analyses because we did no obtain germination at all. Each combination of treatment and level was replicated in five and ten seeds per replicate were sown in petri dishes. We sowed ten seeds in closed petri dishes, on 2 g of vermiculite and deposited in a germination chamber that have fluorescent lights, control temperature with 0.5C of precision and with polyurethane temperature isolation. All treatments were watered with deionized water at the start of the experiment and then once a week (maintaining mannitol concentrations of each treatment). The effects of solutes upon water potentials (Ψ) was calculated based on the expression: Ψ= -RTCs, where R is the ideal gas constant, T the absolute temperature, and Cs the osmolarity of the mannitol solution (Swagel et al. 1997). Germination was recorded until no new germinated seeds were observed during three consecutive weeks, taking two months in total. Seeds were considered viable if at the end of the experiment they maintained their hardness and the embryos were white and turgescent. Using this criterion we observed that all seeds were viable. 2ff7e9595c